Abstract:With increasingly higher precision requirements for workpiece manufacturing and assembly, measurement accuracy of instruments also need to be improved accordingly. In order to increase the measurement accuracy of laser trackers, which are characterized by high repeatability, a method of calibration based on length standard device is proposed. By establishing the function and stochastic models of the laser tracker and the laser interferometer observation in the process of the calibration, the correction value and the adjusted value of the observation for the calibration points are obtained according to the least squares principle. With interpolation on the correction value and adjusted value of the observation for the calibration points, we determine the correction value of observations for the practical points, and finally achieve the error compensation for the laser tracker. Horizontal direction calibration and accuracy testing are carried out for the Leica AT401 laser tracker with the length standard device, and the distances measured by laser tracker are compared with those measured by laser interferometer. After error compensation, the RMS of the distance differences is changed from 195 μm to 10.2 μm, verifying the feasibility of this method.
$author.xingMing_EN,$author.xingMing_EN,$author.xingMing_EN. Method to Improve the Measurement Accuracy of Laser Tracker Based on the Length Standard Device[J]. jgg, 2019, 39(3): 325-330.