Abstract:Combined with error probability statistics, this paper compares two main methods for calculating RMS value and gives the distribution of error probability. The results show that the result error for RMS calculated from waveform filtered by FIR bandpass filter is mostly dependent on the types of window function and filter order, with filter order playing a more import role. In addition, the error probability of RMS calculated from PSD depends on the parameter combinations of window function type, window length, and overlap ratio related to the pwelch function, mainly on the window length, and will reach a steady status with a certain number of sample waveforms. The distribution of error probability indicates that the second method is better than the first.
LI Xiaojun,YUAN Songyong,YANG Dake et al. Applicability and Error Probability Analysis for the Calculation Method of RMS of Background Noise[J]. jgg, 2019, 39(5): 447-451.