为进一步研究钻孔应变观测在震源反演和地球结构模型检验方面的可靠性,利用钻孔应变仪记录的印尼苏门答腊海域7.8级地震的同震信号和QSSP软件计算的理论应变图,提取有效的监测数据进行P波震相识别和各震相到时分析,再截取监测数据和理论数据对应部分进行相关性分析并计算互相关系数。结果表明,在震中距36°~52°范围内,监测数据与QSSP理论数据具有较好的一致性。因此,在震中距36°~52°范围内,台站的钻孔应变观测数据可用于震源反演和新的地球结构模型检验,且结果可靠。"/> To further study the reliability of borehole strain observations in source inversion and earth structure model studies, the co-seismic signals of the 2016 M7.8 earthquake in Indonesia, recorded by borehole strainmeter, are processed and the theoretical co-seismic strain data is calculated by QSSP software. Firstly, P wave phases are identified in the effective monitoring data, and their arrival times are analyzed. Then, the correlation between the observed data and theoretical ones is analyzed and the correlation coefficient is obtained. The result shows that the observed data is in good agreement with the theoretical data in the epicentral distance of 36°~52°. Therefore, the borehole strain observation data of the stations within the range of 36°~ 52° from the epicenter can be used for the source inversion and the verification of the new earth structure model with reliable results."/> 应变仪记录的印尼苏门答腊海域7.8级地震的同震信号研究
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Study on Co-Seismic Signal of the M7.8 Earthquake in Sumatra, Indonesia, Recorded by Strainmeter
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